xTool F1 Jig For Wine Corks
I saw on the xTool F1 forum where someone had been engraving these cool wine stoppers made of cork. I ordered a boat load of them and then manufactured a jig that fits in the removable bottom plate area of the xTool F1 laser.

While I made this on a CNC machine it could just as easily be made with either a 3D printer (if you possess those skills) or with a laser. I have included (later in the post) a Vectric CRV file for making the jig. (Vectric is a CNC file). Also included in the zip file is an SVG vector image with the proper dimensions for cutting out with a laser, and finally an XCS file for engraving the tops.
Bear in mind that if you use the XCS file you MUST manufacture the jig from either the Vectric CRV file or the SVG image file.
The downloadable SVG file which contains the perimeter is a 109mm x 109mm rectangle with a 6 degree radius in the corners.
The 9 pockets are 19.3mm in diameter and are spaced 36mm apart. (All designed in Lightburn).
The wood thickness I had was 3/4″ pine and the pocket depths are 12mm deep. This fits the wine stoppers perfectly.